Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions Available for Researchon Photonic Crystals Devices, Metamaterial, or Tera-Hertz Technology in THz Technical Research Center of Shenzhen University
Each year, we invite 3~5 young personsunder the age of 35 with a Ph. D. degree in physics, or electrical engineering, or information technology, or communication engineering from all over the world tojoin us as postdoctoral research associates in our laboratory for a period of two years. The postdoctoral research associates will do researchesin photonic-crystal devices, or metamaterial devices, or plasmonic photonic devices, or Tera-Hertz devices.
一、招聘要求(Requirements for theapplicants)
1 、专业方向:
Fields of Research :
(1) Tera-Hertz devices based on photonic crystals, e.g., waveguides, filters, resonators;
(2) Photonic crystal integrated optical logical circuits, e.g. logic gates, adder, analog/digital signal converters, comparators, limiters;
(3) Other photonic crystal devices;
(4) New Tera-Hertz sources, wave generators or THz lasers;
(5) Detection or sensing of Tera-Hertzsignals from THz radiations of different maters;
(6) Tera-Hertz imaging, cameras, monitors, etc.
2 、条件
(2)应届博士 毕业 生,或者博士毕业时间在2年以内的博士。
(1) The applicants should hold a Ph.D.degree in electronic engineering, information technology, communication engineering, optics, or physics. The applicants should be professional in FDTD, FEM modeling of electromagnetic or optical devices, or professional inexperimental investigation in microwave or tera-Hertz wave bands.
(2) The applicants should be under theage of 35 and graduated no more than 2years.
(3) Have passion in scientific work and good scientific background knowledge and experiences. The research field during the past few years of the applicants should be in photonic crystals, meta-materials, or tera-Hertz devices.
The salary for those postdoctoral research associates is 27,000 US dollars per year. An apartment with two bed rooms, a sitting room, a lavatory, and a kitchen is provided with about 120USD per month. Medical insurance is provided at very low prices (about 30 USD per month). Internet and library are free to use in the campus. An extra financial aid for using sports facilities in the campus is provided.
Materials for Applications
(2)A copy of Ph.D. Certificate
(3)A copy of Ph.D. thesis
(4)A copy of five representative papers published
(5)Recommendation letters from two professors
(6)Other materials related.
地 址:中国深圳 深圳大学电子科学与技术学院
联系电话: 0755-26535263
联系电邮: zbouyang@szu.edu.cn ( 注:投递简历时请注明来源于: 中国研究生招聘网 )
联 系 人:欧阳征标
Contact information: :
Prof. Dr. Zhengbiao Ouyang,
College of Electronic Science and Technology
THz-Technical Research Center
Shenzhen University
Shenzhen 518060
e-mail: zbouyang@szu.edu.cn
附 录:深圳大学太赫兹技术研究中心研究条件
硬 件:SPS-300太赫兹测试系统、微波矢量网络分析仪、微波测试系统、光谱分析仪、光放大器、窄带光源、光子晶体测试室、超级计算机1台、超级工作站12台。
Appendix: Research facilities in THz Technical Research Center of Shenzhen University
Modeling tools: RSoft, COMSOL Multiphysics
Equipments: SPS-300 THz spectrometer, microwave network analyzer, microwave measuring devices, optical spectrometer, optical amplifiers, lasers, photonic crystal chamber, 1 super computers, 12 workstations, etc.
About Shenzhen University:
Shenzhen University (SZU) is a full-time comprehensive university accredited by the State Council of thePeople’s Republic of China and is funded in 1983. Located on the picturesque coastline of Shenzhen Bay in South China, SZU has a campus of 1.44 square kilometers. SZU now has 23colleges, providing 65 undergraduate programs, 70 Master programs and 3 doctorate programs. It has 15 key science and engineering laboratories and 4 humanities and social sciences research centers. The university faculty is comprised of 1,506 teachersand researchers; 346 professors, 568 associate professors. The on-campus student body is 28,000 strong. There are 920 international students from over 40 countries sharing the SZU experience.
About the life cost in Shenzhen :
For daily life including food, water, electricity, gas and transportation, normally about 500 US dollars are needed in Shenzhen. |