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[英语] 2007年1月全国自考外语教学法试题

发表于 2010-6-27 01:37:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!
        I. Multiple Choice: (15%)
        Directions: In this section, you are given 15 questions beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.
        1. With development of modern languages, Latin became a(n) ________ language.
        A. scientific         B. living
        C. dead         D. artistic
        2. ________ is considered as the father of American structuralism.
        A. Franz Boas         B. Leonard Bloomfield
        C. Edward Sapir         D. Noam Chomsky
        3. Some linguists believed that ________ languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common grammar.
        A. all         B. some
        C. European         D.many
        4. Talking about pictures on the blackboard in the classroom is ________.
        A. a language exercise         B. a communicative activity
        C. both of the two         D. neither of the two
        5. Who is the advocate of the Total Physical Response Method?
        A. C.A. Curran         B. James Asher
        C. Georgi Lozanov         D. Caleb Gattegno
        6. It is ________ for students in teachers colleges to have a solid mastery of the grammar system of the target language in their future teaching.
        A. not important at all         B. very important
        C. somewhat important         D. hardly important
        7. In the Oral Approach, accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as ________.
        A. permittable         B. crucial
        C. useless         D. acceptable
        8. Memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists tends to give the learners ________ to actively communicate in the target language.
        A. high motivation         B. good motivation
        C. low motivation         D. favorable motivation
        9. The Oral Approach is not concerned with ________.
        A. priority of spoken language         B. inductive teaching of grammar
        C. situational presentation         D. linguistic appropriateness
        10. Students will be ________ motivated to learn a foreign language when they feel they are learning to do something with the language they study.
        A. little         B. more
        C. less         D. least
        11. Why are teachers required to tell the learner about the language in the Cognitive Approach?
        A. Because knowledge of language rules facilitates learning.
        B. Because knowledge of language rules is useful for reading and writing.
        C. Because students’ mistakes can be avoided by learning grammatical rules.
        D. Because the learning of grammatical rules involves active mental processes.
        12. The language teaching that emphasizes linguistic accuracy only will produce students who are ________ competent and communicatively ________.
        A. structurally, competent         B. structurally, incompetent
        C. communicatively, competent         D. communicatively, incompetent
        13. J.B. Bruner believes that learning is most effectively achieved when children are encouraged to ________
        A. use pre-packaged materials          B. use advice organizers
        C. engage in individualized teaching         D. engage in guided discovery
        14. The attempts made in ________ to establish theoretical principles marked the beginning of applied linguistics.
        A. the Grammar-Translation Method         B. the Direct Method
        C. the Audiolingual Method         D. the Oral Approach
        15. Which of the following is NOT a basic principle of the Cognitive Approach?
        A. Knowledge of language rules facilitates learning.
        B. Mistakes are unavoidable.
        C. Teach the language, not about the language.
        D. Learning is based on understanding.
        II. Filling Blanks: (20%)
        Directions: In this section there are 15 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.
        16. Reinforcement which decreases the likelihood of a response is known as ______________ reinforcement.
        17. In the Direct Method, direct means takes the place of _________ of the Grammar-Translation Method.
        18. In a Total Physical Response classroom, the ______________ plays an active and direct role.
        19. Usually, our understanding of language learning will influence our ______________ of a particular method in our teaching.
        20. According to the ______________, a habit is formed when a correct response to a stimulus is consistently ______________.
        21. The Natural Approach believes that skills acquired through ______________ transfer to other skills.
        22. In the book Verbal Behavior, Skinner applied the theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire ______________.
        23. The language acquisition device (LAD) is made up of a set of principles called ____________ grammar.
        24. The Natural Approach emphasizes ____________ communication rather than ___________ grammar.
        25. James Asher views the verb, and particularly the ______________ in the imperative, as the central element around which language use and learning are ______________.
        26. The target language is used ______________ in the Direct Method classroom as a means of instruction and communication.
        27. Community Language Learning advocates a holistic approach to language learning, since “true” human learning is both ______________ and ______________.
        28. Krashen believes that human beings acquire language in only one way — by receiving “______________ input”.
        29. FLTM aims at revealing the ______________ and ______________ of foreign language teaching.
        30. In the Direct Method, the most frequently used techniques of consolidating what has been presented and practiced are ______________, purposeful tasks and graded composition.
        III. Matching: (15%)
                Directions: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked ①, ②, ③, ④, or ⑤ in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match.
        31.       A        B
        ①.J. Schumann and R. Anderson         a. the cognitive theory
        ②.Stephen Krashen         b. the acculturation theory
        ③.Barry McLaughlin         c. the discourse theory
        ④.E. Hatch         d. the habit-formation theory
        ⑤.B. E. Skinner         e. the monitor theory
        32.A: techniques used in Direct Method         B: the purpose
        ①.question and answer exercises         a. to consolidate and evaluate what the learner has learned  
        ②.error correction         b. to reinforce and test what the learner has learned
        ③.dictation         c. to have the newly-introduced language items
                        fully understood by the students
        ④.listening comprehension tasks         d. to establish a favorable classroom climate
        ⑤.graded composition         e. to ensure that the students have the correct pronunciation and grammar
        33.       A        B
        ①.the theory of language underlying the         a. to enable the students to use the target language
        Audiolingual Method                   communicatively
②.the theory of learning underlying the         b. use of a language laboratory
        Audiolingual Method        
③.one of the objectives of the        c. backward build-up drills
        Audiolingual Method
④.one of the techniques of the        d. structural linguistics
  Audiolingual Method
⑤.one of the main features of the         e. behavioural psychology
        Audiolingual Method
        IV. Questions for Brief Answers: (30%)
           Directions: This section has six questions. You are to briefly answer them. Five points are given to each question.
        34. What is the definition of the Grammar-Translation Method?
        35. What are the characteristics of ELT since the 1970’s according to H.H. Stern?
        36. How did Sigmund Freud divide the mind?
        37. What is the difference between the language learning in real life and the language learning in the classroom according to Palmer?
        38. What are the integrating language skills often used in the Communicative Approach?
        39. Why does the Cognitive Approach give special importance to the learner’s active part in the learning of grammatical rules?
        V. Questions for Long Answers: (20%)
          Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you’ve learned. Ten points are given to each question.
        40. What are the principles followed in ELT in China in the 1980s?
        41. Please describe how a dialogue is used in the audiolingual classroom practice and state the major functions of the use of a dialogue in the teaching and learning process.
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