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(Book3B. lesson 34)

by Wang Wen Xin

Place: Class Three Senior Three
Date: October 13th 2004

Teaching Type:                New lesson
Teaching aim 6 and clam ands:
1.        Develop the students’ abilities of reading and comprehension.
2.        Grasp the use of some useful words and expressions.
Important points:
1.        Understand the contents of the pass age.
2.        Analyse the structure of the text.
3.        Some useful expressions:
Prepare sb for sth, At a height of, catch on, do sth to music
Difficult points:
1.        Analyse the structure of the text.
2.        The sentence pattern: It is/was + the emphasized part + that ….
Teaching methods:
                Task-based method, comparative method.
Teaching Aids:
a projector, a tape recorder.
Teaching time:
                One period.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Revise the dialogue in lesson 33 by asking some questions.
Step 2 preparation for reading
Ask the Ss some other pieces of equipment in gymnastics competition (Fee exercises, horse, rings double bars ……)
Step 3 Skimming Reading
1.        Tick the types of exercises that man can perform in gymnastics.
Rings floor beam high bars horse double bars “horse” with two handles high – and – low bars
2.        Read fast and match the number to tell what each paragraph is about
Para. 1           A dance
Para. 2           B different equipment
Para. 3           C history
Para. 4           D age
Para. 5-6         E safety
Para. 7    F boys and girls
3.        Answer the questions
(1)        What do gymnasts have to do in gymnastics competitions?
(2)        Why do girls perform in gymnastics competitions earlier than boys.
Step 4 Intensive reading.
1.        Ask the Ss to read the text again and answer the following questions.
(1)        When and where did modern gymnastics begin?
(2)        What did Berlin set up the gymnastics centre for in 1981?
(3)        Why is dance an important part of gymnastics training?
2.        Find out the correct choices.
(1)        When do most gymnasts begin their training?
A. At the age of 14 or 15.                                B. At kindergarten.
C. After they’ve physically developed        D. In primary school.
(2)        Women do not perform on _____.
A. floor B. high – and – low bars C. beam  D. horse with two handles.
(3)        While training you _______. (Listen to the tope)
A. can sometimes work alone
B. must perform with out watches shoes and rings

C. have to reduce the training if you aren’t feeling well
D. should never wear clothes with collars or belts.
Step 5 Language points
I.        Phrases
1.        prepare sb for  使某人对……进行准备
e.g         (1)The teachers are _________(指导学生准备考试)the examinations
        (2)We should __________(为将来做好准备)
2.        require   
(1)        require doing / to be done.
Your clothes require (washing /to be washed.)
(2)        require sb to do sth
They required him — (keep) it a secret.
(3)        require + that + classes … (should) do sth.
His health requires that he _______(go)to bed early
3.        do sth to music 伴音乐做某事
e.g. The students are (doing eye exercises to music.)
4.        at a height of … 在…高度
(1)        The plane flew __________(八千公尺的高度)
(2)        water was found __________(在十米深的地方)
5.        catch on sth(被钩住)
My dress __________(被钉子钩住了)
II.        Sentence patterns.
1.        It is/was + the emphasized past + that (who clause ……)
e.g. He met an old friend in the park yesterday.
→ It was he that/who met an old friend in the park yesterday.
→ It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.
_______ he met an old friend yesterday?
A. Where it was that                        B. Was it where that
C. where was it that                        D. Was it that where
2.        ……improves the way you hold your body.
3.        ¬Only women perform on the high – and – low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the “beam”, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 metres above the ground.
Step 6 Summary
1.        Main idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1           history
Para. 2           dance
Para. 3           age
Para. 4           boys and girls
Para. 5-6         different equipment
Para. 7            safety
2.        The different types of exercises that men and women do:
(1)        Floor
(2)        Horse
(3)        Rings
(4)        High bar
(5)        Horse with two handles
(6)        Double bars        Women
(1)        floor
(2)        Horse
(3)        High – and – low bars
(4)        Beam
Step 7 Home work
1.        pay attention to “you” in “prepare you for”
        It is used to mean people in general
        Let the Ss find “you/yourself/your” from the passage.
2.        preview lesson 35

Black board arrangement
It is / was … that …
It was he who / that
It was an old friend that / who
It was in the park that …        Para. 1           history
Para. 2           dance
Para. 3           age
Para. 4           boys and girls
Para. 5-6         different equipment
Para. 7            safety

Teaching reflection:
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