南开大学是国家“211 工程” 和“985 工程” 重点建设的教育部直属高校,是敬爱的周恩来总理的母校。南开大学秉承“ 允公允能、日新月异” 的校训,培养了 以周恩来、陈省身、吴大猷、曹禺等为代表的一大批杰出人才,为民族振兴和国家富强做出了重要贡献。南开大学是国内学科门类齐全的综合性、研究型大学之一, 在长期的办学过程中,形成了文理并重、基础宽厚、突出应用与创新的办学特色,也取得了一批国内外公认的优秀科研成果,科研论文、项目、经费数量以及获奖成 果数量历年都位居全国高校前列。近年来,南开大学大力实施人才强校战略和国际化战略,全力汇聚海内外高层次人才,逐步建立起了以高端人才为引领、以优秀青 年人才引进与培养为支撑的南开特色人才体系。现面向海内外诚聘“ 国家千人计划” 、“ 国家特支计划” 领军人才、“ 长江学者特聘教授” 等各学科领域的高端人 才,引进学科发展急需的教授、副教授,引进培养具有发展潜力的青年学科带头人,招聘海内外优秀青年学子。诚邀海内外优秀人才齐聚南开,共谋发展! 一、招聘岗位及条件 (一)引进人才岗位 引进人才分为高端人才岗位(包括“南开讲席教授”、“杰出教授”、“英才教授”三类岗位),南开大学教授岗位、南开大学副教授岗位,“南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划”以及人才特区引进岗位。 南开大学对各层次引进人才采取大力度的、长期的支持培养措施,在工资福 利待遇、科研配套经费、住房补贴和安家费、科研平台搭建、研究团队组建、国际化培养等方面提供较高的、富有竞争力的引进待遇和重点支持,学院人才基金可另 有配套。其中“南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划”入选者,可优先招收博士研究生(无论是否具有正高级职称),优先支持申报国家“青年千人计划”、“国 家特支计划”青年拔尖人才等人才计划。特别突出的优秀拔尖人才可就相关待遇和特殊需求面议。 1.高端人才岗位 (1)南开讲席教授岗位 在本学科领域具有国际公认的学术声望和学术影响力,所在专业领域的一流学者和学科建设领军人才,取得标志性创新研究成果。( file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif 南开讲席教授岗位申报条件.doc) (2)杰出教授岗位 在本学科领域具有良好的学术声望和学术影响力,所在专业领域的著名学者和学术带头人,取得突出教学科研成果。(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif 杰出教授岗位申报条件.doc) (3)英才教授岗位 在本学科领域具有较好的学术声望和学术影响力,所在专业领域的学术骨干,取得较高水平教学科研成果。(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif 英才教授岗位申报条件.doc) 2.教授、副教授岗位 (1)教授岗位 人文社会科学类45 周岁以下、自然科学类40 周岁以下,达到南开大学教授任职条件,在本专业领域得到同行认可的学术带头人。 (2)副教授岗位 35周岁以下,达到南开大学副教授任职条件,具有较大学术潜力的青年学术骨干。 3.“南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划”岗位 以高水平领军人才和高水平创新团队的培育为目标,选拔培养人文社会科学类45 周岁以下、自然科学类 40 周岁以下,学术水平居于相关学科领域同年龄段学者前列,具备较大学术发展潜力和较高自主创新能力,有能力组建富有竞争力的学术团队,根据国家发展急需 和国际学术前沿设立实施具有前瞻性、创新性和可行性的研究项目的青年学者,为高端人才队伍培育重要的后备力量。(南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划简介.doc) 4.人才特区引进 以国家级重点学科、国家级重点实验室、国家级重点研究基地、2011协同创新中心为依托,着眼于培养和造就国际国内知名的中青年学科带头人和学术骨干,人才特区引进人员试行与国际接轨的“3+3”聘期考察制(tenure track)。 人才特区引进人才申报条件一般为入选国家“ 青年千人计划” 项目,或达到同等水平,年龄在35 周岁及以下,有深厚的学术积累和极大的科研发展潜力的高水平青年学术带头人。(人才特区简介.doc) (二)教职工招聘岗位 1.教学科研岗位 35周岁以下,博士学位,海内外著名高校(或科研机构)应届毕业博士或出站博士后。 2.其他专业技术岗位 30周岁以下,硕士及以上学位,海内外著名高校(或科研机构)应届毕业研究生。 3.党政管理岗位 30周岁以下,硕士及以上学位,海内外著名高校(或科研机构)应届毕业研究生。 (三)博士后招收 40周岁以下,博士学位,海内外著名高校(或科研机构)毕业博士。 二、招聘计划 1.南开大学2015年人才引进、教职工招聘、博士后招收计划详见附件。 2.南开大学2015年人才引进计划所列岗位为各单位急需引进的专业和岗位,但学校人才引进并不局限于所列岗位,符合条件的海内外高层次人才和优秀青年人才均可申报。 三、招聘工作程序 应聘者登录南开大学人才引进与人事招聘系统报名(网址:http://recruitment.nankai.edu.cn/webhr/login_nk.jsp),每人限报1个岗位。 1.高端人才岗位、教授、副教授引进岗位等招聘信息常年有效,应聘者可随时申报。学校将根据人才引进相关工作程序,进行接洽、审核,并通知审核结果。 2.“南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划”可随时申报,学校根据百名青年学科带头人培养计划实施有关规定进行集中评审。 3 .教职工招聘岗位、博士后招收岗位报名截止时间:2014 年12 月31 日。请各招聘单位于2015 年1 月9 日前完成初选工作,并将候选人材料上报学校审核。(教职工招聘、博士后招收工作程序.doc) 四、联系方式 1.人才引进 联系人:王老师 Email:nkuniversity@nankai.edu.cn 电话:+86-22-23508595传真:+86-22-23501586 2.教职工招聘 联系人:张老师 Email:rsc@nankai.edu.cn 电话:+86-22-23501215传真:+86-22-23509178 3.博士后招收 联系人:杨老师 Email:nk610@nankai.edu.cn 电话:+86-22-23508595传真:+86-22-23501586 附件: 人事处 2014年12月18日 2015 Recruitment Plan of Talent Introduction, Postdoc, Faculty and Staff of Nankai University Nankai University is a key multidisciplinary “985” and “211” Projects university directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and also the alma mater of our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai. In accordance with its motto of “dedication to public interests, acquisition of all-round capability and aspiration for progress with each passing day”, the University has produced batches of prominent talents such as late Premier Zhou Enlai, Dr. Shiing-shen Chern, Dr. Ta-you Wu and playwright Cao Yu. Nankai University is considered as one of the comprehensive universities with the widest scan of disciplines. It features a balance between the Humanities and the Sciences, a solid foundation and a combination of application and creativity. A large number of academic achievements have been made and acknowledged at home and abroad. The number of academic theses and projects, the funds allocated and the awarded achievements all rank high among the universities of China. In recent years, Nankai University has been carrying out internationalization strategy and talent strategy by making great efforts to attract global high-level talents and gradually establishing the Nankai talent system which led by top talents and supported by the introduction and cultivation of excellent young talents. Nankai University is conducting an open selection for global top talents of National Thousand Talents Program, Leading Talents of National Special Support Program and Chang Jiang Scholars Program, professors and associates professors in the most-needed areas of disciplinary development, young academic leaders with development potential as well as excellent young scholars at home and abroad. Warmly welcome to join Nankai University for a better future! I. Positions and Requirements 1. Introduced Talents Positions The introduced talents are divided into top talent positions (including Nankai chair professor, outstanding professor and talent professor), introduced professor and associate professor positions, Hundred Young Academic Leaders Training Program and Talent Zone introduction position. Nankai University provides strong and long-term support for all the introduced talents by offering competitive remuneration package and special support in salary and benefits, scientific research fund, housing subsidy and settling-in allowance, building research team and research platform, international training, etc. The college talent fund may also provide a proper allowance package. The talents selected into Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University will be given priority to recruit doctoral students (no matter whether they are full professors or associate professors) and to apply major talents programs such as the National Thousand Young Talents Program, the Top Young Talents of National Special Support Program (Program for Supporting Top Young Talents), etc. For the top talents with outstanding achievements, their payments and other needs could be further discussed. (1) Top Talents Positions a. Nankai Chair Professor The applicants are supposed to be first-class scholars and academic leaders in their research fields, with internationally recognized academic reputation and influence, as well as significant and innovative research achievements.(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif Application Requirements of Nankai Chair Professor.docx) b. Outstanding Professor The applicants are supposed to be renowned scholars and academic leaders in their research fields, with great academic reputation and influence as well as outstanding research achievements.(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif Application Requirements of Outstanding Professor.docx) c. Talent Professor The applicants are supposed to be academic backbones in their research fields, with good academic reputation and influence as well as high-level research achievements.(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif Application Requirements of Talent Professor.docx) (2) Professor and Associate Professor a. Professor The applicants are supposed to be academic leaders with peer recognition in their specialties, less than 45 years old in humanities and social sciences or less than 40 years old in natural sciences, and meet the qualifications of full professorship of Nankai University. b. Associate Professor The applicants are supposed to be young academic backbones with great academic potentials, less than 35 years old, and meet the qualifications of associate professorship of Nankai University. (3) Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program In order to cultivate high-level leading talents and innovative teams, this program aims to select excellent scholars who are less than 45 years old in humanities and social sciences or less than 40 years old in natural sciences with great academic development potential and independent innovation capability. They are expected to be capable of building competitive academic team, establishing and implementing forward-looking, innovative and feasible research projects in the most-needed areas of national strategic development and international academic frontier, thus forming an essential top talents pool. (file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif Introduction of Hundred Young Academic Leaders Training Program.docx) (4) The Talent Introduction of Talent Zone Based on national key disciplines, state key laboratories, national key research bases and 2011 collaborative innovation center, the Talent Zone targets to cultivate international and domestic well-known young academic leaders and backbones through the implementation of international “3+3” tenure track system. The applicants for the introduced talents of Talent Zone are supposed to be young academic leaders with strong academic strength and great development potential in scientific research, no more than 35 years old, and usually be candidates of National Thousand Young Talents Program or reach the same level.(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif The Introduction of Talent Zone.doc) 2. Faculty and Staff Positions (1)Young Teacher Positions The applicants are supposed to be graduating doctoral students or postdocs less than 35 years old with doctoral degree of renowned universities or research institutes at home and abroad. (2)Other Professional Positions The applicants are supposed to be less than 30 years old, graduating students of renowned universities or research institutes at home and abroad with master degree or above. (3)Management Positions The applicants are supposed to be less than 30 years old, graduating students of renowned universities or research institutes at home and abroad with master degree or above. 3. Postdoctoral Positions The applicants are supposed to be less than 40 years old with doctoral degree of renowned universities or research institutes at home and abroad. II. Recruitment Plan Please check attachment for 2015 Recruitment Plan of Talent Introduction, Postdoc, Faculty and Staff of Nankai University. The position list of 2015 Nankai University talent introduction plan includes the most-needed disciplines and positions of recruiting units, but the talent introduction is not limited to those positions. All the high-level talents and excellent young talents who meet the application requirements are welcomed to join us. III. Recruitment Procedure 1. The recruitment of top talent positions and professor/associate professor is a long-term plan without application deadline. The applicants are welcomed to apply for corresponding positions at any time. According to relevant work procedures of talent introduction, Nankai University will conduct evaluation and contact the applicants for further details. 2. Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program is open for application all year round. Nankai University will conduct centralized evaluation in accordance with relevant requirements of this program. 3. The application deadline of faculty and postdoctoral positions is December 31, 2014. The corresponding colleges and departments should conduct preliminary screening before January 9, 2015, and submit application materials to the university.(file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif Recruitment Procedures of Postdoc, Faculty and Staff.docx) IV. Contact Information 1.Talent Introduction Contact person: Mr. Wang Tel: +86-22-23508595 Fax: +86-22-23501586 2.Faculty and Staff Recruitment Contact person: Ms. Zhang Tel: +86-22-23501215 Fax: +86-22-23509178 3.Postdoctoral Recruitment Tel: +86-22-23508595 Fax: +86-22-23501586