一、单位简介广西大学位于广西首府南宁,是广西历史最悠久、规模最大的综合性大学,也是目前广西唯一的国家“211工程”学校。学校创办于1928年,首任校长是我国著名教育家、科学家、民主革命家马君武博士。学校现设31个学院,学科涵盖哲、经、法、文、理、工、农、管、教、艺等10大学科门类,有95个本科专业,36个一级学科硕士点,186个二级学科硕士点,8个一级学科博士点,56个二级学科博士点和10个博士后科研流动站。现有在职在编教职工3530人。各类在校学生8万余人。校园占地面积307公顷。教学科研设备总值10.3亿元,拥有各类藏书730万册。秉持着“勤恳朴诚,厚学致新”的校训,今天的广西大学努力建设成高水平区域特色研究型大学。 人数:三名 学历:学士或以上 要求:在学校或组织机构有过2年以上教学经验,热衷教学,耐心细心,责任感强。理解并尊重文化差异。 任职要求:任职授课时间必须满两年 薪酬待遇:面议 Recruitment of Foreign Language Teachers from English-Speaking Countries Introduction about the University Guangxi University, located in Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi, was established in October 1928. Dr. Ma Junwu, a celebrated scientist and educator, is the first president. The campus covers an area of 307 hectares. The university has a library collection of over 7.3 million volumes, a store of equipment worth one billion Yuan. Now it has 31 colleges and one department. The university has a staff of 3,530. The present enrollment is about 80,000 students. It has corporations and academic exchanges with 100 universities or research institutes in 28 countries and regions. Over 400 international experts and scholars have taught, given lectures, or cooperated on research projects in the university. It is playing a very important role in the regional economy and social development. Wanted --Foreign Teachers from English-Speaking Countries Number of the Post --Three Requirements --Bachelor degree and above --Education major or Linguistics major or English Literature major --Related teaching experience in schools or organizations --Patient, passionate, careful, responsible. With understanding and respect for different cultures. Responsibility --Teaching the course of English Viewing, Listening and Speaking --Work and stay in Guangxi University for at least two school years Payment -- Negotiable Contact --Tel: +86-771-3274574 --Email: wanghui@gxu.edu.cn. Ms. Wang.