一、职位信息 (一)教学内容:雅思英语(雅思5.5-6.5)、欧美文化(或欧美历史)、跨文化交流 (二)教学对象:大学1-3年级学生 (三)教学地点:南京工业大学江浦校区(中国江苏省南京市浦口区浦珠南路30号) (四)工作时间:一年2个学期,每一学期授课18周,每周20节课,每节课45分钟。 (五)聘期:试用期3个月。聘期一年,期满后经考核合格可以多次续签。 (六)招聘人数:3名 二、报名条件 (一)英语为母语的外籍教师 (二)博士(优秀人才可放宽至硕士) (三)需要有两年以上语言教学经验 (四)年龄为50周岁以下 (五)无犯罪记录,身体健康 三、工资及待遇 (一)工资:一年12个月工资,21000元/月(税后18000元左右),工资按月发放。 (二)福利: 1、免费提供丁家桥校区外教公寓住宿 2、免费乘坐学校通勤班车 3、享受法定节假日和寒暑假 4、医疗保险 联系人:金敏 电话:025-58139312; 邮箱:oec@njtech.edu.cn Recruitment of Foreign English Teachers Job Vacancy: 3 English Teachers Description: ---Courses to be delivered: a) Basic English skills based on the requirements of IELTS 5.5-6.5; b) European and American Culture/History; c) Intercultural communication. ---Students to be taught: Freshmen, sophomore and Junior students ---Location: Jiangpu Campus of Nanjing Tech University, No.30 PuZhu South Road, Pukou District, Nanjing ---Working time: 2 semesters a year; each semester has 18 weeks with 20 periods (45 minutes/period) per week --- Duration of employment: a 1-year renewable contract with a 3-month probation Qualifications: ---Native English speaker ---with Doctor Degree (Master Degree is acceptable for excellent lecturers) ---At least two years of experience in English teaching ---50 years old and younger ---No criminal record and in good health Salary and treatments: --- Monthly paid: 21,000RMB (About 18,000RMB after-tax)/month * 12 months ---Accommodation at Dingjiaqiao Campus for free ---Shuttle bus for free ---National holidays and weekends, winter and summer holidays ---Medical Insurance Contact Person: Karen Jin Tel: 86-25-58139312 E-mail: [url=mailto ec@njtech.edu.cn]oec@njtech.edu.cn[/url] 原标题:南京工业大学海外教育学院公开招聘外籍英语教师