深圳道尔顿新华公学注重教师专业成长,努力提升教师职业幸福指数,倾力打造一支有教育情怀、观念新、能力强、有创新意识的师资队伍。 This school emphasizes teachers' professional development, endeavours to improve teachers' professional happiness index and strives to build a powerful team of teachers with educational affections, new ideas, strong abilities as well as innovation consciousness. Teachers of Chinese, Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Physical Education, Music, Art, Information, STEM etc. 管理人员 专长人员:器乐、陶艺、景泰蓝 Instrumental music, Pottery, Cloisonne enamel 二、招聘要求 Qualifications (一)基本要求 Basic Qualifications 1.有爱心,有教育情怀,有责任心,有创新意识。 Be caring, enthusiastic, responsible and have innovation consciousness. With national teachers’ qualifications. 3.师范类专业,本科以上学历。 Teacher education specialty, Bachelor's degree or above. (二)优先条件 Preferred Qualifications 1.国际著名教师。 World-wide renowned teachers. 2.特级教师、省/市骨干教师、学科带头人、优秀班主任等。 National-honored teachers, municipal or provincial superfine teachers, subject leaders, backbone teachers, excellent class teachers, etc. 3. 留学或国外任教背景。 Overseas study or teaching. 4. 重点师范大学硕士学历。 Key normal universities, Master's degree or above. 三、福利待遇 Welfare & Remuneration 深圳市同行业领先的薪酬福利水平。 Hold the leading position of C&B in the same industry 完善的专业教育培训。 Professional educational training 公开透明的晋升空间。 Open and transparent promotion opportunity 四、应聘程序 Application Procedure (一)提交应聘资料Submit application materials 资料含简历、近期全身生活照、身份证、教师资格证、职称证、学历证、荣誉证书等扫描件。 The materials include a resume, a recent photo and the scanning copies or photos of an ID card, a teacher’s qualification certificate, a title certificate, an academic certificate, certificates of honor and so on. 或邮寄资料至:深圳市南山区学苑大道1000号 深圳道尔顿新华公学人力资源部。 联系人:田老师。联系电话:+86-0755-86000620。 The materials must be named as “Subject + Name” and please email to hr@sz-dalton-xh.com. Applicants can also send the materials to Shenzhen Dalton Xinhua School, and the address is:No.1000 Xueyuan Road, Nanshan district, Shenzhen. Contact: Miss Tian. Tel: +86-0755-86000620 (二)面试录用 Interview & Employment 简历初审通过后,将电话通知面试,面试合格者办理聘用手续。 After your resume is chosen to be OK for the first time, we will make a phone call to tell you the interview time. You will be employed as a teacher of our school if you pass the interview test. 五、联系我们 Contact Us 联系人 Contact:田老师 Miss Tian 联系电话 Tel:0755-86000620 学校地址 Address: 深圳市南山区学苑大道1000号 No.1000 Xueyuan Road, Nanshan district, Shenzhen